Classes for week 6th - 10th March

Our Yoga sessions this week break down the asana of the sage Vasistha - Vasisthasana. Within this posture we will look at focus and steadiness as a way to move towards the position with strength and grace.

In-person sessions in Castle Bromwich, Water Orton and Shustoke - optins of live-stream at some sessions. Seated Yoga and Friday morning Yoga are zomm sessions.

Our Qigong class this week is moving more into our Spring practices and the wood element - new growth from our steady roots that have been fed through Winter. This session is in Water Orton every Monday afternoon.

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Denise Walters
March Super Saturday online

Our March Super Saturday is this weekend - 4th - online.

Join us for beautifully creative Prana Flow Yoga. Vinyasa-led practices to ease us towards Spring with a lighter energy focusing on air and space elements to lift any heaviness from the winter months. Let’s breathe, move and flow together.

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Denise Walters
Classes for week 27th Feb - 3rd March

Our back to basics Yoga sessions this week are looking at hasta padangustasana - a wonderfully liberating standing balance. Working with the hands and feet, fingers and toes we will strengthen yet bring mobility to the area’s that are worked in this asana. Where does our awareness need to be in such a balance? We will work with props and explre different variations from reclining and seated too.

Yoga in Caste Bromwich, Shustoke and Water Orton as well as online.

Our Monday Qigong has been looking at the transition between winter and spring using both water and wood element forms for a balanced energy. Qigong session is at the Link in Water Orton every Monday 3pm-4.15pm.

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Denise Walters
Classes for week 20th - 24th Feb

We start a new Yoga theme over the next few weeks. Going back to basics! Choosing particular asana (postures) of hatha yoga we will break them down, exploring how we prepare, move towards different variations of the posture, the use of intention and direction of our energy in the posture and the qualities relating to the posture. This week we start with Virabhadrasana - the warrior. Strength and confidence, knowing where to soften in the strength.

Yoga sessions in Castle Bromwich and Shustoke. Water Orton Wednesday evening is online this week as it’s half term at the school.

Our weekly Qigong in Water Orton is exploring water and wood forms as w emove between the seasons - also introducing some Pai Da Qigong massage techniques. Join us at the Link hall every Monday afternoon 3pm.

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Denise Walters
Classes for week 13th - 17th Feb

Let’s have a loved-up week this week. As we pass St Valentines day could we bring in the Yogic principles of ahimsa - non-harming and santosa - contentment. These two inward and outward principles might allow us to feel at ease with ourself, finding the joy in the little things and also guide us to respect the world around us, to love the world around us. Sound good? Yoga sessions in Castle Bromwich, Water Orton and Shustoke, option of live-streaming. Seated Yoga on Thursday and Friday morning flow are both online.

Qigong in Water orton for beautiful seasonal practices with a loving kindness to the natural world.

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Denise Walters
Classes for week 6th - 10th Feb

After the bright full moon our Lunar cycle theme flows towards the waning phase this week. Yoga to soothe and calm the body, mind and nervous system. Our in-person classes are held in Catle Bromwich, Shustoke and Water Orton with some live-streamed/recorded if you prefer to practice from home.

Our Monday Qigong classes in Water Orton are slowly moving between Winter and Spring forms as the seasons start to change.

Remember that we also have our wonderful online community with Seated Yoga on Thursday mornings and Dynamic flow on Friday mornings both via Zoom.

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Denise Walters
Monthly Super Saturdays are back!

Our Super Saturday sessions are back! February and March are online pop-up specials whilst the mornings are still a little chilly. Then from April to September we have Spring/Summer in-person sessions from a new venue - Coleshill community centre. Get the dates in your diary for a great start to each month.

Creative Yoga with lots of flow, positive challenges, nourishing breath work and beautiful relaxation.

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Denise Walters
Classes for week Monday 30th Jan - Friday 3rd Feb

This week we are moving towards the full moon with beautiful bright and creative practices to encourage our intentions to grow. Flowing vinyasa-led Yoga with a focus of gentle yet energising movement to make the most of the brighter nights.

Our Qigong sessions have been slowly moving between winter and spring honouring the emerging light of the seasons.

Find us in Castle Bromwich, Water Orton and Shustoke. Live-streaming available for some sessions.

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Denise Walters
Classes and playlist for week Monday 23rd - Friday 27th January

We continue with our Lunar cycle theme this week moving towards the waxing phase of the moon. This phase allows the intentions of the new moon to really take root with an increase in motivation and energy.

This is also the week of Chinese new year - the year of the rabbit, which hopefully will bring a calmer, more relaxed feel to life this year.

There is no Castle Bromwich class on Monday night as we care unable to use the hall - I am running an online version of this session though via Zoom so do join if you can. All other Yoga and Qigong classes in Shustoke, Water Orton and Castle Brom are on as normal.

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Denise Walters
Spring Yoga retreat for women - booking is open

I am really excited to offer this spring 3 day weekend retreat for women in the heart of the Shropshire countryside.

Our venue is the stunning Eaton Manor near an area of outstanding beauty - Church Stretton. May 19th - 23rd 2023.

Yoga, meditation, relaxation, walks in nature, great food and company all in a safe and supportive circle.

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Denise Walters
Classes back on from this week

We are back at all of our venues from this week. Join us for Winter-based Qigong in Water Orton on Mondays and Yoga focusing on the lunar cycle in Castle Bromwich, Shustoke and Water Orton.

Drop-in or book online. See you there x

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Denise Walters
Christmas Gathering

Our Christmas Workshop is full but we would love to see you at our short gathering afterwards. From 12 - 1pm come along to Shustoke Village Hall, B462AX and share a cuppa and a natter with friends old and new.

We will have a small handmade market selling gifts from Silver Moon Collections.

If you would like to bring donations for Birmingham Christmas Shelter please do - cash and clothing (and dog biscuits!) are always gratefully accepted.

Carpark will be full but you can park on the road or at the reservoir in Shustoke.

Would be great to catch up xx

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Denise Walters
December Classes

So we made it to December!

For the rest of the month we will explore some beautifully well-rounded practices full of creative Yoga, nourishing breath work, and as always intention and relaxation to calm the busyness that can happen this time of year.

Why not take some time out of the hustle and bustle and gift your Self some Yoga or Qigong.

Our classes will run up to Christmas week (Water Orton Yoga will finish a little earlier). I will be taking donations to Birmingham Christmas Shelter so if you would like to donate cash is gratefully accepted. If you are bringing clothes please bring on the last week of classes.

I am having a break in January so classes will re-start from the week of the 16th January.

Have a wonderful rest of 2022 and a fabulous Christmas. Hope to see you on the mat xx

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Denise Walters
Classes and playlist for week Monday 28th Nov - Friday 2nd Dec

This weeks Yoga dives into the natural world with a look at birds. From the goddess Saraswati’ relationship with swans through to our powerful Eagle posture let’s spread our wings and take flight.

Our Monday Qigong sessions start to journey into Winter practices for health and wellbeing.

Drop-in or book online. In-person classes in Castle Bromwich, Shustoke and Water Orton - many are live-streamed or even book a recording.

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Denise Walters
Classes and playlist for week Monday 21st - Friday 25th November

Join us for Yoga this week as we look at the wisdom, strength and adaptability of trees. Stability from our roots to allow freedom to bend without breaking and sway in the breeze.

Yoga in Castle Bromwich, Shustoke and Water Orton as well as live-streamed or via recording.

Our weekly Qigong classes have been looking at the metal element associated with Autumn. Lots of beautiful forms to encourage a healthy flow of Qi through lung and large intestine meridians. All welcome.

Playlist if you are practicing from home…

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Denise Walters
Classes and playlist for classes Monday 14th - Friday 18th November

This weeks Yoga classes are taking a look at all the four-legged friends that we see mentioned in Yoga. Postures named after dogs, cats, cows, camels to name but a few, breathing practices inspired by lions. Let’s move with stability yet grace and breathe with energy and power.

Qigong sessions are conserving energy with beautiful Autumn/Metal forms focusing on the Lung and Large Intestine Meridians.

Classes in Castle Bromwich, Shustoke and Water Orton. Lots can be live-streamed or recorded.

Booking from site or drop-in spaces are available too…

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Denise Walters
Classes and playlists week Monday 7th - Friday 11th November

This week in our Yoga sessions we continue looking at how nature shows up in Yoga with a water themed session. Asana named after creatures of the deep through to the element of Prithvi governing movement and flow. Sessions in Castle Bromwich, Shustoke and Water Orton as well as online.

Water Orton Qigong flows with Autumn as we continue our metall forms.

Drop-in space available or book online from the below button

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Denise Walters
Autumn Flow Yoga Workshop

Join Denise in-person at Shustoke Village hall as we flow into Autumn.

Let's come together in community to honour this beautiful season. Practices to revive the body and mind in this season of harvesting, nurturing and nourishment. Flowing with beautiful Yoga movement, breath work, Qigong energy techniques, lifestyle tips for this season and relaxation. Practices to balance the natural Vata dosha of Autumn - warmth, nourishment and fluidity.

Book your space here.

Live-stream and recording available on request.

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Denise Walters
Classes and Playists for week Monday 31st Oct - Friday 4th Nov

It’s a spooky Samhain week of classes this week. Our theme of the month will be how the natural world appears in Yoga from different creatures that postures are named after through to trees, mountains and so much more. As it’s Halloween week we start with Creepy Crawlies - asana is full of them from snakes to frogs, locusts to lizards - loads to put in the cauldron!

Yoga Classes are in Castle Bromwich, Shustoke and Water Orton is back this week on Wednesday. Options to join from home too.

Monday Qigong is all about the metal element and beautiful Autumn forms to encourage health and wellbeing through this season.

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Denise Walters
Classes and Playlist for week Monday 24th - Friday 28th October

Yoga classes this week will honour the light as Diwali is being celebrated all over the world. With light comes wisdom so we will be adding into our sessions practices relating to the deity of Ganesha - wisdom, playfulness and insight. Expect a grounded practice for stability in the body with a sense of play and exploration.

Our Qigong sessions this month are all about the Chinese element of Metal for Autumn. Appreciation for what is here right now and a slowing down just like nature. Practices are accessible and can be worked from a chair if you prefer not to stand.

Lots of classes are now live-streamed too. Have a look at our timetable…

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Denise Walters