Classes and Playlists week Monday 17th - Friday 21st

This week we are welcoming abundance! As we flow into Autumn, a time of harvesting and nourishment let’s entice those qualities into our practices. There will be chants to Lakshmi, a fullness to our asana practice, intention and grounding breath work. Come along to Castle Bromwich and Shustoke to practice in-person or book the live-stream or recording.

Water Orton Qigong is also looking at Autumn with metal forms to release and slow down the pace.

Book below or turn up to in-person classes with a mat on the day.

Playlist if you are practcing from home…

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Denise Walters
Water Orton Wednesdays are back!

From November you can join us in-person for our Slow Flow to Stillness evening class at Water Orton Primary School. This class will also be live-streamed and recorded - so lots of options.

Slow and calming flow for all abilities to enjoy. Nourishing breathwork and a longer relaxation/Yoga Nidra.

Booking is open…

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Denise Walters
Classes and Playlist for classes Monday 10th - Friday 14th October

This weeks Yoga sessions bring in the power and energy associated with the deity Shiva. A warrior, a dancer, an outcast, a holy being - can we relate to these ancient teachings in our modern life? I think so…

Expect beautifully creative Yoga with intention, breathwork, stories, meditation and relaxation. Sessions in Castle Bromwich, Shustoke and online.

Monday Qigong in Water Orton takes us into the metal element of Autumn. Forms relating to the lungs and large intestine will be weaved into our practices this season.

Booking for all sessions below…

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Denise Walters
Autumn Flow - Yoga Workshop with Denise at Shustoke Village Hall

Join Denise in-person at Shustoke Village hall as we flow into Autumn.

Let's come together in community to honour this beautiful season. Practices to revive the body and mind in this season of harvesting, nurturing and nourishment. Flowing with beautiful Yoga movement, breath work, Qigong energy techniques, lifestyle tips for this season and relaxation. Practices to balance the natural Vata dosha of Autumn - warmth, nourishment and fluidity.

Book your space here.

Live-stream and recording available on request.

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Denise Walters
Classes and playlists for week Monday 3rd - Friday 7th October

I am back from guiding our week long Yoga holiday in the beautiful soth of France. Classes are all back on as normal from today!

This week we close the festival of Navratri with beautifully creative Yoga practices.

Come and explore the energy and power of movement infused with Shakti, be absorbed in the breath and create fluidity and openess in the body. Always a beautiful relaxation to calm and soothe.

Classes in Castle Bromwich and Shustoke as well as online.

Our Monday Qigong sessions in Water Orton will start to move towards the metal element relating to Autumn and slowing down. The lungs and large intestine are the organs of this season so we can expect lots of forms concentrating on their meridians.

Book online or turn up with your mat and blanket.

Yoga playlist if you are working from home…

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Denise Walters
Holistic Massage and Reflexology clinic at New Oscott Village

Starting every Tuesday daytimes from October at New Oscott Village I will be running a holistic massage and reflexology clinic.

These treatments are a great way to de-stress and give something back to yourself. Massage can ease tension in the body and mind with a gentle focus on relaxing the muscles and gently stimulating accupressure points. Eastern head massage works with the marma points of Ayurveda on the head, face, neck and shoulders to induce a wonderful feeling of relaxation. Holistic reflexology concentrates on zones of the feet which relate to different areas of the body and can be a great aid to circulation too.

Want to know more or book a session? Click on the link below and send me a message…

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Denise Walters
Away from the mat

Please do check our timetable over the next couple of weeks as I am away on a little holiday!

There will be a class at Shustoke on Tuesday 27th Sept and then all other sessions start back from Monday 3rd October.

Enjoy the rest of September and remember that there are lots of practices in our on-demand library…

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Denise Walters
Classes and playlist for week Monday 5th - Friday 9th Sept

Our final Rasa is the taste of love moving through us - naturally arising loving movments in the body when we are open and free. Think beautiful melodies in the body, smooth and meandering qualities within postures that open the heart and mind. Gentle flowing breath work and a goregeous relaxation.

In-person classes in for Yoga are in Castle Bromwich (there is no Shustoke class this Tuesday - back next week). Online sessions too - check out our timetable here…

Our Water Orton Qigong class is looking at beautiful late summer practices - grounding earth element forms and a great community feel.

Online sessions too - check out our timetable here…

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Denise Walters
September Super Saturday in-person or live-streamed

Join us this Saturday 3rd for Septembers Super Saturday at Shustoke village hall.

A beautiful flow-led practice with a grounded and stable flavour as we move into this transitional month of September.

Prana flow movement, breath work and relaxation all with the intention of staying steady as the seasons start to gradually change.

Book online or just turn up on the day. Can also be live-streamed and recorded (recording kept until Weds 7th).

Playlist if you are practicing from home…

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Denise Walters
Classes and Playlists Tuesday 30th August - Friday 2nd Sept

This week we look at how we can add a sprinkle of strength into our practice which could give us a sustaining power and dedication to meet the challenges of life. Our sessions this week will look at Vira Rasa - the taste of inner confidence, warrior-like presence and courage.

Join us in Shustoke and Castle Bromwich and also online.

Book online or just turn up.

Playlist if you are practicing from home…

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Denise Walters
Classes and playlists for week Monday 22nd - Friday 26th August

This week we start to look at the theme of “rasa”. The taste and essence that we put into everything that we do to give it meaning. This weeks Yoga sessions we will explore the idea of shanti rasa - bringing peace and tranquility to our day-to-day life. Our practices will be cultivating that essence of peace with movements and postures that calm and nourish our body, mind and nervous system.

Join us in Casttle Bromwich and Shustoke or online.

Monday Qigong in Water Orton is exploring earth element forms as we move into late Summer. Earth is balancing and harmonising and our practices will bring the essence of both over the next few weeks.

See you there.

Yoga playlsit if you are joining us online this week

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Denise Walters
Classes and playlists for week Monday 15th - Friday 19th August

Join us this week as we thread together our theme of the past month - the physical and subtle body. We will work a whole body practice with awareness of the subtle system of energy running through different areas too. Creative flow with hatha yoga postures, breath awareness and relaxation. Join our in-person Yoga classes in Castle Bromwich and Shustoke or online from the comfort of your own space.

Our beginners Qigong in Water Orton starts to look at the Earth elemement of late Summer. Seen as a transitional period of the year the earth element helps to support and sustain the other elements. Connected to the spleen and stomach we will work with these meridians and explore some calming and stable forms.

Playlist is up for Yoga if you are practicing at home

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Denise Walters
August Super Saturday - new date

Wow how did we get to August already?

This months Super Saturday is at Shustoke Village Hall on the 13th. Come and join me for Hatha Yoga with a creative twist. Summer is in full swing so our practice this month will mirror that - joyful warmth with Prana flow movement, breath work and intention. Beautiful relaxation for that chilled-out summer vibe.

9.00am - 10.30am. You can also join us from the comfort of your own space as I will live-stream and record too.

Booking below

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Denise Walters
Classes and playlists for week Monday 8th - Friday 12th August

This week we are waking up our centre as we observe the link between our physical and subtle bodies.

Our mid section offers support for the internal organs, supports the back and assists with breathing. It’s also an area related to inner strength and the fire element so as we have got some warm weather again this week we will work a slow and steady flow with a focus on strength and support at our centre.

Our Monday Qigong class will come back to forms that we have explored through Summer - joyful, playful yet calm.

Yoga in-person in Castle Bromwich and Shustoke. Qigong in Water Orton. Online classes Wednesday and Friday plus seated Yoga on Thursday morning.

I moved our August Super Saturday to this weekend - Shustoke village hall Saturday 13th August.

Playlists for Yoga at home are up…

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Denise Walters
Classes and playlist for week Monday 1st - Friday 5th August

Happy August! As we move into this new month we continue our theme looking at the thread between the physical and subtle body. This weeks Yoga sessions will focus on the back and spine - being able to bend without breaking, flexible and strong like bamboo. We will explore all of the beautiful actions created from the spine and how we can flow with grace yet strength in our practice.

Yoga in Castle Bromwich and Shustoke.

Our Monday Qigong class is in Water Orton and we will close our 18 forms practices this week.

Lots online too via Zoom and in our catch-up on demand library.

Playlist is up…

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Denise Walters
Coming up for Air - foundation course part 2

Coming up for air - Foundation Course Part 2

Join us on a six-month journey of enquiry and exploration into the practices of Yoga.

Following on from our “Diving deeper” foundation course we are now “Coming up for air” integrating practices and theory that we can use in every day life, right here, right now.

We will connect in-person as a community at St Mary & St Margaret’s hall in Castle Bromwich, Birmingham between October 2022 - March 2023

Read more here…

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Denise Walters
Classes and playlist for week Monday 25th - Friday 29th July

Join us this week as we continue to flow with our theme of “the subtle and physical body thread”.

Sessions this week will look at areas of the body that support us as we embrace! Muscles such as the serratus anterior, trapezius, pectoralis and rhomboids all involved in us being able to hug and give another a good squeeze. Of course it’s not just physical - some of these areas are also related to the emotional centres of our brain and we will of course bring in a bit of massage and marma point work.

Come along to our welcoming halls in Castle Bromwich and Shustoke or from the comfort of your own space via zoom.

Beginners Qigong is bringing together all of the Eighteen Forms over the next couple of weeks. At the Link in Water Orton.

Playlist is up…

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Denise Walters
Heatwave week! Monday 18th - Friday 22nd July

We are expecting very high temperatures this week. At the moment classes are going ahead but I will re-assess on each day depending on the heat and class numbers.

We will suspend our theme of the Physical & Subtle body thread and instead each session will be dedicated to a gentle, relaxed practice - mainly floor based with cooling and calming breath work and a looooong relaxation.

I have created a longer playlist that you could enjoy at any point this week if the heat is getting to you and you just need to stop and relax. Enjoy…

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Denise Walters
Classes and playlist for week Monday 11th - Friday 15th July

It’s going to be a beautiful week of sunshine.

Let’s encourage a cool breeze of calm with our sessions this week. We are continuing to explore the link between the physical and subtle body moving up towards the arms. The muscles in our arms support and assist our wrist, elbow and shoulder joints, they help us to hold, lift, grip, pull. The heart and lung meridians run through the arms as do small and large intestine - think breath, freedom, openness and also the ability to digest life well and letting go of whats not needed.

You could join us in one of our cooling, spacious halls for Yoga in-person in Castle Bromwich or Shustoke or we have online live sessions on Wednesday evening (a beautiful gentle session) and a more energised flow on Friday morning if you prefer to be in your own space.

Monday Qigong is in Water Orton - cooling practices for the fire of Summer.

Don’t forget our on-demand library of classes are available anytime, anywhere - lots of summer practices, full class replays, shorter sessions and relaxations.

Playlist for this week…

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Denise Walters
Classes and playlist for week Monday 4th - Friday 8th July

In our Yoga sessions this week we continue our theme on the link between the physical and subtle body.

We move up slightly through the body and look at a group of muscles and fascia which support, assist, move and relax the knees and hips. Many asana (postures) will use these muscles especially standing, balancing wide angled positions. Some of these areas are also associated with our ability to move let go of the “stuff” and be able to move forwards in our life. Lots to have a look at this week. Come along and enjoy.

Yoga in Castle Bromwich and Shustoke. Or join us form the comfort of your own space. Check out our timetable on our “book your class” page.

Our Qigong class in Water Orton is exploring the 2nd half of the 18 forms - a beautiful selection of forms, accessible for all.

Playlist is up…

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Denise Walters