Autumn workshops to keep you thriving

Join me in Autumn for three half day Yoga workshops to keep you inspired as nature starts to slow down.

We will be gathering together at the beautiful St Mary and St Margaret’s community hall in Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, in September, October and November 2023.

I have created these three workshops for those who woud like the opportunity to explore certain topics a little deeper. All are welcome - from those who have completed foundation courses, to teachers and student teachers, to those of you who would just like to deepen your knowledge a little more in a safe and welcoming, down-to-earth environment. I am able to offer Yoga Alliance CPD points to those who require them.

Our workshops will begin at 12.45pm - 4.30pm and will include movement, sound, meditation, relaxation, breathing techniques and philosophy all threaded together with the theme of the day. We will have a break for refreshments. Everything is optional and chairs will be provided for those who would like them. I ask that you bring your own Yoga mat, blankets and equipment (blocks and bricks will be available). I also ask that you bring a Yoga bolster especially for our November workshop (I can send you a link for places to purchase one). There may be partner work or work in small groups.

This is a triad of workshops which will weave together so it would be wonderful if you can join for all three, but you can also book a single workshop if one sparks your interest.

Investment for all 3 workshops £108

Investment for individual workshops £40

Interested? Please fill in your details from the below link and I will send you availability and payment details.

About the workshops…

Saturday 30th September 2023 - Flowing with Shakti

This half day workshop will be exploring the concept of śakti - often described as the creative power within us, nature and the universe itself! We will be embodying this power by using movement (Yoga) and breath (pranayama) - just two ways that shakti shows up within us. We will explore descriptions of Shakti from Tantric teachings and how the different forms of the goddess bring different faces of Shakti into our own flow of life.

Saturday 28th October 2023 - Unravelling the layers

This half day workshop will be focusing on the Koshas - A Yogic principle of the five layers/sheaths of the self (pancha maya kosha). Are we just this body or are we as individuals a lot more than what is on the outside? We will delve through the layers with asana (yoga postures), pranayama (breath and energy techniques), meditation and deep relaxation, as well as looking at the 3 bodies - sharira traya. How can this ancient philosophy help us to understand our Self and how we show up in this world? And how do we explore these ideas in our Yoga sessions?

Saturday 25th November 2023 - Relax and Restore

What a way to move towards the end of the year! This half day workshop will focus on bringing our body and mind into balance through the practices of restorative Yoga and exploring the nervous sytem. We will become aware of how, as individuals, we react to the stressors of life and how we can flow in a balanced way with lifes challenges rather than becoming stuck in an excessive or depleted state. There will be very gentle, reclining, longer held asana, soothing breath work and tips for good rest from Ayurvedic teachings (Ayurveda is Yoga’s partner science and philosophy). We will close with a long, nourishing Yoga Nidra (Yogic sleep).


Please fill in your details from the below link and I will send you availability and payment details.